Thursday, September 24, 2015

Guest Post, Review & Giveaway: Rescued by the Ranger by Dixie Lee Brown

Protecting those in trouble is what Army Ranger Garrett Harding does best. But after helping a feisty redhead toss a couple of losers from her Idaho bar, the woman is anything but grateful for his assistance—in fact, she seems to know him. Worse, she almost certainly hates him.

The only thing Rachel Maguire wants is to send this smart-mouthed, muscled military man packing. She knows Garrett has his own reasons for staying, so when he offers Rachel a deal—two days to prove his worth or he leaves—she reluctantly agrees. Despite wanting to loathe him, Rachel finds herself drawn to his quiet confidence…and the way he fills out a t-shirt.

But when Rachel receives a phone call from the past, everything changes. The stalker who destroyed her life ten years ago is closing in once more. Refusing to put anyone else in harm's way, Rachel hits the road hoping to lure danger away from those she loves. But Garrett won't leave this sexy spitfire to face her stalker alone. He'll do anything to protect her. Even if it means risking his life—and his heart.

Guest Spotlight: Author Dixie Lee Brown!

Please join me in welcoming Dixie Lee Brown today!  She is sharing her Hero Profile from Rescued by the Ranger

I'm excited to join you today and have an opportunity to share a few facts about one of my characters from my new release. So, without further ado...

Rescued by the Ranger
Hero Profile

Name: Garrett Harding
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Steel gray
Dress: Jeans, T-shirts and dog tags
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Current Residence: Cougar Ridge hunting Lodge and Resort outside Grizzly Gulch, ID

Family: Large and dysfunctional. Mother deserted the family when he was five. Father is a career politician, remarried. Garrett has one brother, two half brothers, and one half sister.

Occupation: Army Ranger, Captain

Weakness: Has abandonment issues and carries guilt because he was one of only two survivors in the Iraqi firefight that took the lives of everyone else in his unit and left him wounded.

Strength: He's a deadly, well-trained opponent, yet kind and compassionate, sexy and romantic to his heroine, and loyal to a fault.

Trusted Friend: Cowboy, German shepherd, ex-military dog wounded in the same battle as Garrett. The bond between them runs deep.

Transportation: 1996 hunter green Jeep Wrangler with removable canvas top and side curtains, a winch mounted on a bumper guard in front, and a Cowboy's head stuck out the passenger side. 

Best Quality: Cares about others

Quote: "Without you I'm just a guy with a dog."

Thank you Dixie Lee for sharing this with my readers today! I read and loved Rescued by the Ranger and can't wait for the rest of the reading world to fall in love with Garrett Harding! 

I am totally dating myself with this acknowledgement, but I think that the 80's song I Need a Hero by Bonnie Tyler would make the perfect theme song for Rescued by the Ranger. Rachel Maguire doesn't want to admit she needs a hero, but like it or not she has found hers in Garrett Harding. This sexy Army Ranger will not let her out of his sight once he realizes that she is in danger. 

Rachel feels that she has exposed enough people to her problems in the past with dire consequences. She refuses to allow Garrett to risk his life for her (this is the part in the story where I wanted to thump her in the forehead and say he is a Ranger for goodness sakes- he's got this..). As the situation gets more intense will she allow him to rescue her?

I was quickly swept away by this story. The plot builds very quickly with the prefect amount of drama and suspense. If you like a romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat this one certainly did that for me. The budding romance between Garrett and Rachel is paced well. Once Rachel finally realizes and accepts that he is going to protect and love her, I wanted to give her a high-five and say it's about time sister! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVED Cowboy, Garrett's dog. He was our secondary hero in this story and stole my heart right alongside his master. 

I gave this book 4.5 Stars! Rescued by the Ranger is a heartwarming read with just the right amount of suspense to satisfy the appetite of the contemporary romance fan. 

Amazon | B &NiTunes | Kobo

DIXIE LEE BROWN lives and writes in Central Oregon, inspired by what she believes is the most gorgeous scenery anywhere. She resides with two dogs and a cat, who make sure she never takes herself too seriously. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, movies, and trips to the beach.

I was given an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I honestly loved this book! 


  1. Thanks for featuring my new release on your blog today and for reading and reviewing!

  2. Thank you for hosting Dixie and RESCUED BY THE RANGER
