Desperation changes a person. Leads them to do things they would have never dreamed.
Thanks for his mother, Ray "Razor" Chambers knows what desperation can lead a person to do. But as a defenseman for the Tulsa Thunderbirds, those days are long in the past for both of them. His best buddy is about to get hitched in Vegas when a woman whose eyes are filled with an all-too-familiar haunted look approaches Razor. She makes him a proposition, an he knows he's witnessing yet another act born of desperation.
Viktoriya Dubroskaya knows all about desperation, too. She came to America to study ballet and escape a fate no one should have to bear. She can never go home again. She's broke and broken, not to mention in survival mode. Viktoriya turned to the only help offered, but in the end it stripped her of everything she was and all she wanted. Now she's out of time, money and options... until she sees Razor.
There's no chance he'll take her up on what she's offering, but he suggests a counter-proposal- one involving a ring, a green card, and a chance to reclaim her body. It's an opportunity she can't pass up, but for Viktoriya and Razor, learning to live together as husband and wife is as foreign as interpreting Smoke Signals. And where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
Smoke Signals by Catherine Gayle should come with a warning: DO NOT START READING THIS BOOK UNTIL YOU HAVE TIME TO READ IT ENTIRELY. Trust me, once you start you won't want to put it down.
Razor Chambers may have most of the world believing he is not a good guy, he's the wild one with no filter... and this bad boy is in Vegas for the wedding of his best friend and former teammate. After meeting and being propositioned by a beautiful Russian this bad boy surprised this reader by becoming one of my favorite romantic heroes ever!
Viktoriya is in a desperate place. She's lost her student Visa when the school sent her packing after finding out she was working in the porn industry on the side to be able to afford to stay in the United States. She has no where to turn and the prospect of going back to Russia is scarier than any of her less than favorable options. Offering herself to the handsome man on the casino floor in exchange for money is just the next step in her downward spiral. She never expected him to proposition her right back, but with an offer of marriage and safety.
Razor sees his mother's past struggles in the beautiful eyes of Viktoriya. He is determined to give her something his mother never had.. a chance. These two find themselves married and on their way back to Tulsa. Now for this plan to work, they must convince everyone around them that they are madly in love.. which given their mutual attraction and fast forming friendship becomes less hard.. and very real.
A heroine with a disturbing past, a bad boy who is oh so good. These two steam up the pages! Catherine Gayle did a fabulous job of investing me in this story. I felt a gamut of emotions from sadness to happiness, to the butterflies caused by the love that grows between Tori & Razor. I loved the friendship that blooms between Tori & Tally (from Bury the Hatchet).
Smoke Signals is books #2 in author Catherine Gayle's Tulsa Thunderbirds series. It can be read completely as a stand alone. In fact, I read it BEFORE I read book #1 in the series, Bury the Hatchet, and loved them both equally. Catherine Gayle is an author who firmly earned her spot on my auto buy list several books ago when she hooked me on the Portland Storm series (PS> If you are a fan of her Portland Storm series, the wedding in Smoke Signals is Katie & Babs... I can't get enough of these two.) I gave this book 5 Stars and would probably give it more if it were allowed.
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